Space – In terms of art, space is the area around, above, below, and within objects
Overlapping – Overlapping occurs when objects that are closer to the viewer prevent the view of objects that are behind them.
Size – Objects that are smaller will appear further away from the viewer.
Placement on the paper – Objects placed higher within the picture plane will appear further away.
Detail – Objects that are further away should have less detail than objects that are closer to the viewer.
Color – Objects that are further away are cooler in color
temperature, while objects that are closer are warmer.
Value – Objects that are further away are lighter in value, while objects that are closer are typically darker in value.
Linear Perspective – Linear perspective is a drawing method that uses lines to create the illusion of space on a flat surface.
One Point Perspective – A form of linear perspective in which one vanishing point is placed on the horizon line.
Space – In terms of art, space is the area around, above, below, and within objects
Overlapping – Overlapping occurs when objects that are closer to the viewer prevent the view of objects that are behind them.
Size – Objects that are smaller will appear further away from the viewer.
Placement on the paper – Objects placed higher within the picture plane will appear further away.
Detail – Objects that are further away should have less detail than objects that are closer to the viewer.
Color – Objects that are further away are cooler in color
temperature, while objects that are closer are warmer.
Value – Objects that are further away are lighter in value, while objects that are closer are typically darker in value.
Linear Perspective – Linear perspective is a drawing method that uses lines to create the illusion of space on a flat surface.
One Point Perspective – A form of linear perspective in which one vanishing point is placed on the horizon line.
Two Point Perspective – A form of linear perspective in which two vanishing points are placed on the horizon line.
Project 1: One Point Perspective Worksheet - Print off the worksheet. Using lines and the vanishing point, create 3 D forms. See Example Below.
Project 1: One Point Perspective Worksheet - Print off the worksheet. Using lines and the vanishing point, create 3 D forms. See Example Below.
Final Project: 3D Name
1. Draw out your name in bubble letters.
2. Choose a vanishing point.
3. Create a 3D letter.
4. Add color.
See examples below.
1. Draw out your name in bubble letters.
2. Choose a vanishing point.
3. Create a 3D letter.
4. Add color.
See examples below.
This completes the Space Unit.