2021 - 2022 Student Gallery of Foxview Intermediate School
This Gallery shows the art work of 5th and 6th graders from Foxview Intermediate School.
These do not represent all the projects completed in class.
6th Grade Digital Art - Art Word Project
5th Grade Art - 3rd Quarter
These do not represent all the projects completed in class.
5th Grade Art - Piggy Pig Drawing
These do not represent all the projects completed in class.
6th Grade Digital Art Class - Papercut
6th Grade Digital Art - The Bee Animation
6th Grade Digital Art - Radial Symmetry
6th Grade Digital Art - Van Gogh Starry Night
6th Grade Digital Art - Pottery Project
6th Grade Digital Art - Bubble Letters
6th Grade Digital Art Class
1st iPad Project - Doggy Dog
1st iPad Project - Doggy Dog
These do not represent all the projects completed in class.
5th Grade Big Eyed Bird Watercolor Project
5th Grade Hand Texture Project
5th Grade Pumpkin Project
5th Grade Art - Bubble Letters
5th Grade Art - Piggy Pig Drawing
6th Grade - Digital Art Class Freestyle Work
6th Grade - Digital Art Class
Papercut Project
Papercut Project
6th Grade - Digital Art Class
6th Grade - Digital Art Class
Animated Self Portrait
Animated Self Portrait
6th Grade - Digital Art Class
Animation Week - The Bee
Animation Week - The Bee
6th Grade - Digital Art Class
Animation Week - The Wiggle
Animation Week - The Wiggle
6th Grade - Digital Art Class
Van Gogh Unit "Starry Night"
Van Gogh Unit "Starry Night"
6th Grade - Digital Art Class
Pottery Unit
Pottery Unit
6th Grade - Digital Art Class
Fill In - Color Drop Project
Fill In - Color Drop Project
6th Grade - Digital Art Class
Word Art
Word Art
6th Grade - Portfolio Art & Dog Drawing
5th Grade Digital Art - Mirror Design (Using Chromebook and Sketchpad)
5th Grade Digital Art - Name Design (Using Chromebook and Sketchpad)
5th Grade - Watercolor Project - The Big Eyed Bird
5th Grade - Van Gogh Project
5th Grade - Pumpkin Drawing
5th Grade - Portfolio & Pig Drawing
2020 - 2021 Virtual & In Person Art Gallery
Shape & Form Pumpkin Drawing - 5th Grade/ Vase Drawing - 6th Grade
Texture Hand - (Hand Drawn 5th Grade and Digital Drawn using the iPad 6th Grade)
Self Portrait - (Digital Art Using the iPad & Procreate)
Van Gogh's Starry Night - (Digital Art Using the iPad & Procreate)
Van Gogh's Starry Night - Hand Drawing 5th Grade
Animation: The Bee (Digital Art Using the iPad & Procreate)
Animation: The Rocket (Digital Art Using the iPad & Procreate)
Animation: The Wiggle (Digital Art Using the iPad & Procreate)
Big Eyed Bird Paintings
Color Theory Color Wheels
Creating their names using bubble letters. Portfolio Project.
Drawing using Lines, Shapes & the Alphabet
Self Portrait Project - Chromebook (Digital Art)
Radial Symmetry (Mirror) Project - Chromebook (Digital Art)
Virtual Art Class
Line Project - Bubble Letters
Texture Project - Virtual
Movement/Space Project - Virtual
Balance/Unity Project - Virtual
2019-2020 De Pere District Art Show Artist
6th Grade:
5th Grade:
2020 Helen Mears Art Contest Winners!!! - 6th Grade
Student Work
Pumpkin Still Life Project - 5th Grade
Created by: R. Karnz, G. Hudson, A. Tenor, S. Tatarian and L. Bloemer. Job well done!!!